Let's Talk About Weddings

"They look in the mirror and see beauty...and it is priceless" with Adrienne Love of The Wedding Studio

6th Day Films

We haven't laughed this hard in a long time. It was an absolute blast to chat with Adrienne Love, the owner of the Wedding Studio. She a long time friend of Sarah's and brings an incredible amount of laughs, joy, impressions, stories and wisdom wherever she goes. We could've talked to her for hours! We hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we did!

Here's the break down of her advice:
1. God first. Before each other. 
2. Spend time talking about your dreams, desires, goals and what you’ve always thought marriage would be before walking down the aisle. 
3. Share your money from the start. 
4. Be spontaneous every now and then. Nothing fancy just bring a little fun to your daily routine every now and then. 
5. Go in vacation alone once a year. 
6. Don’t be a jerk when fighting. No name calling. No bringing up last mistakes. Just tell the truth and be gracious and forgiving when your spouse makes mistakes.

If you are in need of a wedding dress, check out their website theweddingstudios.net or stop by one of their four locations!