Let's Talk About Weddings

"Count it all Joy..." with Mark and Gloria Miller

6th Day Films Season 1 Episode 12

For this episode we had the honor of sitting down with our long time friends, Mark and Gloria Miller. Mark was our boss for a time at The Creek, he officiated our wedding and he did our premarital counseling. 

Mark and Gloria have been married over 40 years and have a tremendous amount of life experience from their own relationship, as parents, grandparents and through being in ministry together 30+ years. They've helped countless couples at all different stages of life and marriage. 
We could've talked with them for hours on end hearing their stories and wisdom. This conversation was refreshing for our marriage and we hope it will be for you as well!

Here's some of their main points to consider:
-Pray together- start this habit as early as possible.
-If you're going through a hard season, stick it out. Life moves quick and you'll get through it together.
-Know your role in the relationship- who's going to do what? This is an important question to consider as we all come into relationship with different ideas, expectations and family experience. 
-Talk about finances early. Talk about credit scores, debt, are you a spender/saver, do you have a budget. It's awkward. It's far from fun, but it is critical.
-What does a unified front look like and what does it mean to "leave your father and mother."
-Find things to do together in every season. Mark recommends Pickle Ball, Gloria doesn't recommend Nascar, but find things you love to do together.

We can't thank them enough! If this episode was helpful to you, check out ways you can support the mission Mark works for spreading the Gospel across India, Central India Christian Mission (indiamission.org)

Thanks for listening!

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